[ Saruya Hachi/Hachimaru ] Chef, Pursuing True Taste { Scanlation #2 + One colored page

Title: Chef, Pursuing True Taste
Doujika/Circle: Saruya Hachi / Hachimaru
Pairing: Sanji/Zoro
Rating: PG-15
Pages: 21
Editing&Translate: [info]3pride

Thanks to [info]arigatomina for the permission

[ Here ]

[ Shounen Spectre/Tsukudani&Sourei Naruto ] Kimi no koe

Title: Kimi no koe
Doujika/Circle: Shounen Spectre/Tsukudani&Sourei Naruto
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Language: Italian / English
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 29
Editing&Translate: [info]3pride

Thanks to [info]nightjump for the RAWs and [info]minhha for the english translation

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[ Tsurugi/Gladiolus ] A meal of the love

Title: A meal of the love
Doujika/Circle: Tsurugi/Gladiolus
Pairing: Sanji/Zoro
Language: Italian
Rating: NC-18
Pages: 39
Editing&Translate: [info]3pride

Thanks to  [info]caelimane for the RAWs

[ Here ]

[ DAEN ] Beautiful Voice

Title: Beautiful Voice
Doujika/Circle: Daen
Pairing: Roy/Ed
Language: Italian
Rating: PG-15
Pages: 24
Translate&Editing: [info]3pride

Thanks to [info]catystorm / [info]cl_firstbranch for the permission

[ Here ]

[ Mind Escape/Supli ] No pain, no gain { 100th Release! Thanks for the support ♥

Title: No pain, no gain
Doujika/Circle: Mind Escape/Supli
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Language: Italian / English
Rating: NC-18
Pages: 21
Editing&Translate: [info]3pride

Thanks to [info]nightjump for the RAWs

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[ Yafuu/Shummy ] Esse est percipi { To be is to be perceived

Title: Esse est percipi
Doujika/Circle: Yafuu/Shummy
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji + Sanji/Zoro
Language: Italian / English
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 19
Editing&Translate: [info]3pride

Here ]

[ Yamato&Haga Inochi ] Shirokujichuu

Title: Shirokujichuu
Doujika/Circle: Yamato&HagaInochi
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Rating: PG-15
Pages: 41
Editing&Translate: [info]3pride

Thanks to [info]minhha for the english translation

Here ]